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Neutron is a decentralized, peer-to-peer, encrypted chat platform.
There is no central server or network owner, and no unauthorized person can read your messages. That's right - you don't have to just blindly trust me, the creator, unlike in other platforms (yes, I'm looking at you, Discord!). It is hacker-proof, because your data is fully encrypted at all times. You also cannot get banned or blocked from using the network, because there is no administrator!

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All communication between peers is fully end-to-end encrypted with asymmetric encryption. No one can see the packet content in transit.


No one except you and the person you're messaging can see your messages (metadata included!).


Your messages are relayed through a few intermediate peers, all of which don't know who the sender or recipient is, or the contents of your communication.
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You own your data, because your messages belong to you, not me. Send everything you want, because your messages can't be scanned or censored. Be responsible tho!

No limits

You're broke? I'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't change anything here! There aren't any purchases, paid plans or hidden gotchas. Everyone gets the same experience, for free!


I understand that not everyone is a nerd. Even though everything is very complicated under the hood, you don't have to worry about that! It's so simple that even a below average internet user can leverage the power of Neutron.
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That's great, but when can I use it?

I actually don't know. The initial release was planned for September 2023, but that is definitely not enough. Then I expected it to be ready until the end of 2023, but 2024 is already here...
But what I can promise - it will 100% release someday.

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